
Welcome to the INCT Paleovert website.

The study of the multiple aspects involved in the preservation of fossils is configured as a broad field of research, which allows for interdisciplinary approaches, often making use of methods that transcend the classical frontiers of paleontology. Considering the rich Brazilian fossil heritage, and with the aim of giving greater visibility to scientific production in vertebrate paleontology, the INCT PALEOVERT was conceived with the mission of promoting cutting-edge research in the area, through integration and scientific collaboration between both consolidated and emerging research groups and from 15 Brazilian universities. Our goal is to promote paleontological studies guided by methods widely used in developed countries, but still underexplored nationally and in the global south as a whole. Among the lines of research that this project intends to promote are paleoneurology through computed tomography, paleohistology, computational biomechanics and morphometry, statistical ecological modeling, inferences of diet through isotopes, fossildiagenetic studies, absolute dating and analysis of biomolecules. The basis of any paleontological study are specimens preserved in scientific collections. Thus, the objects of study will be, mainly, new fossils collected in field expeditions carried out in different Brazilian basins, some of them destined to the recovery of the collection of the National Museum. All partner laboratories will be equipped with fossil preparation equipment, computers, optical equipment and 3D printers. These will be allies in the production of teaching materials, exploring the potential of fossil vertebrates for actions in science education and popularization. This set of strategies should guarantee the training of human resources at various levels and the establishment of collaborations with foreign researchers, contributing to a greater insertion of Brazilian research in the international scenario through the production of innovative studies with excellent potential for publication in high-impact journals.

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